Ankylosaur Wannabee Tells All: Exclusive Interview with Father of World-Famous Fossil Discoverer
Tim Brys, father of the most recently famous five-year-old fossil hunter, Wylie, is a close personal friend of mine. You see, Tim likes...

This Week: Women in the News and Mark Twain
"Human intellect cannot estimate what we owe to woman. She gives us good advice, and plenty of it, she soothes our aching brows, she...

Pet Portraits: Dogs Demand Equal Time
Project of the week: dog portraits! Sorry... I didn't take good step-by-step photos, just a basic beginning and end. Step 1: I am asked...

Speaking of Cyclopses...
You may have noticed a smaller version of this illustration on my blog header and thought: "That looks familiar... Is it a spoof of, or...

"Happy Spring" Vignette: A Crappy How-To
Isn't this precious? I'd like to say it was an easy 1-2-3 process , but it was, in fact, more of a 47-step process. That doesn't mean...

March: A Month for Colons, Women's History and Cheez Doodles: A Short List of "National (
I don't know how colons feel, but as a woman, I would like to request a new month. During the month of March, we (or some of we)...

What I Don't Know About How To Write a Blog: 10 1/2 Things I've Learned Without Help f
What I've been filling my time with recently has been blogs. Not going outside to inhale the green-scented, semi-clean, pre-spring air,...

Welcome to my new site!
I have no idea what to post yet, but I hope it's something worth looking at. So please come back and check up on me and ~ Thank you from...